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Charming Loft at Beach in Buzios Slideshow: LOfT.Búzios’s trip to Buzios, Brazil was created by TripAdvisor. See another Buzios slideshow. Take your travel photos and make a slideshow for free.
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segunda-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2011

Katie & Will, Abby & Bear

Will, Katie, Abby & Bear
   Eu acredito que a mais gratificante das recompensas em se alugar um imóvel por temporada é a oportunidade de se conhecer pessoas maravilhosas. Assim passaram o Reveillon de 2011 no lOfT os casais ingleses Katie Gillespie e Willian Hicks, Abby e Bear. Hóspedes fabulosos que demonstravam no olhar a satisfação e a alegria de curtir suas férias em grande estilo.

   Pela primeira vez visitando nossa cidade, aproveitaram ao máximo as praias, o sol (quando ele quis aparecer) e toda a beleza que Búzios tem a oferecer a quem tem olhos para observar. Aproveitaram bastante o lOfT e sua área de lazer também. Fizeram muitos churrascos, jantares e descansaram bastante na sauna e na piscina.

   Meus novos amigos ingleses, espero sinceramente que tenham gostado de sua experiência em Búzios e no lOfT e espero que possam voltar muito em breve para uma nova temporada. Obrigado !!

   I truly believe the most gratifying reward of renting a property is the opportunity to meet wonderful people. During the New Year's 2011 the loft received the British couples Katie Gillespie and William Hicks, Abby and Bear. Fabulous guests who easily demonstrated through their eyes the satisfaction and joy to be spending their holidays in great style.

   For the first time visiting our city they enjoyed various beaches, the sun (when it wanted to appear) and all the beauty Buzios has to offer to those who have the eyes to see it.
They also spoiled themselves in the lOfT and its recreation area. Daily barbecues, dinners and countless hours resting in the sauna and swimming pool were part of their “very stressful” holidays routine.

   My new English friends I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lOfT as well as your experience in Buzios and I hope you can come back very soon for a new and fabulous season.
Thank you so very much !!